
I Love My Church – I Will CELEBRATE

April 14, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the series “I Love My Church” with the message “I Will CELEBRATE” In this series, we have learned that in spite of ancient and recent bad press and misunderstanding, the church is lovable, and a place to grow, a place from which to go, to give, to...


I Love My Church – I Will SERVE

April 7, 2019 – Small Groups Pastor Duane Cilke continues the series called “I Love My Church” with the message “I Will SERVE”


I Love My Church – I Will WORSHIP

March 31, 2019 – Worship Leader Emilee Linger continues the series called “I Love My Church” with the short message “I Will WORSHIP”


I Love My Church – I Will GIVE

March 24, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair continues the series called “I Love My Church” with the message “I Will GIVE” I have been in church leadership long enough to know that there are only two kinds of people in the church today; Consumers and Contributors.  The consumer is the Christian who attends a church...


I Love My Church – I Will GO

March 17, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair continues the series called “I Love My Church” with the message “I Will GO” I love my church because first and foremost Jesus loves His church.  He associates with His church, it is His body,it is His Bride, and He died for her.  And I believe with all...


I Love My Church – I Will GROW

March 10, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair begins a new series called “I Love My Church” and brings the message “I Will GROW” Have you ever heard this phrase?  “I love Jesus, but I just can’t stand the church.”  Or how about this one?  “I’m into Jesus; I’m just not into the church.”  I’ve come...


Paul’s Life Principles

March 3, 2019 – Small Groups Pastor Duane Cilke shares the message “Paul’s Life Principles” Sometimes in life, you experience things that are sometimes traumatic, difficult, surprising.  Often those situations turn you to God and scripture and the passage we’re going to share today is one of those experiences.  So if you would like to...


Identity Crisis

February 24, 2019 – Elder and Teacher Danna Batten shares the message “Identity Crisis” Today I want to talk to you about Identity Crisis, and why is that so important, imperative actually, to understand.  Because if we don’t know who we are we won’t possess what we’ve been given.


Fair Trade, Pt. 3 – Vengeance for Favor

February 17, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair concludes the series “Fair Trade” with message “Vengeance for Favor” We’re going to go Old Testament today.  We’ve been looking at some trade practices in the Bible.  The first week we looked at trading the Immediate for the Ultimate.  We decided that was a bad trade.  Then last...


Fair Trade, Pt.2 – The Divine for Dirt

February 10, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair continues in the series of messages “Fair Trade” with message “The Divine for Dirt” Today I continue in the series Fair Trade, and in this series we are looking at Spiritual Trade Practices.  In the consumer world, we are always on the lookout for a bargain.  We want...