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Spiritual Disciplines
June 21, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
John Morales will be leading a 5-week study on Spiritual Disciplines from Renovare.
Excerpt from Renovare:
Spiritual Disciplines
A Practical Strategy
Practices such as reading Scripture and praying are important — not because they prove how spiritual we are — but because God can use them to lead us into life.
—John Ortberg
Jesus is the way to life — and not just life after death, but life here and now. When he said, “Follow me,” he meant it. In all he did and taught, Jesus conveyed that our spiritual life takes place in our physical reality as well as in the heart. If we believe what he said about the spiritual life, it only makes sense we should do what he did.
The practices of Jesus have been recognized for centuries as the core activities of the spiritual life. In the same way a runner is equipped to compete in a marathon by the discipline of physical training, so training through spiritual disciplines frees us to live each day with the “easy yoke” and “light burden” Jesus spoke of (Matt 11:30).
Disciplines do not earn us favor with God or measure spiritual success. They are exercises which equip us to live fully and freely in the present reality of God — and God works with us, giving us grace as we learn and grow.