Barry Clair



He is real. In today’s culture it seems hard to find, but Barry routinely shares the grace, healing, and love God has shown him personally. His transparency combined with his diligent study of scripture compel us to a deeper relationship with Christ. We are blessed by his commitment to his calling and willingness to follow the leading of God.

Barry has instilled values of grace, hope, and courageous faith in our congregation since he became our lead pastor in 2007. He felt his call to ministry at a young age as a preacher’s kid in Wisconsin. When Barry grew up, he pursed a degree in Church Leadership from Southeastern University, married his wife Rosemarie, and went into ministry. After 38 years of marriage and ministry, Barry will tell you, with God the best is yet to come.

One of those bests is grandchildren – okay, family. The Clairs have three married children and four grandchildren. When he’s not entertaining the little ones, he loves to fly his drone and make videos. He’s also a tad obsessed with the Holy Land and coffee – and with coffee in the Holy Land.


Audra Novotny

Financial Administrator & Executive Assistant to Pastor Barry

Audra Novotny

Audra Novotny wears a lot of hats and is an integral piece of ministry at our church. Her calling is to fill in the gaps so others can thrive in theirs.

Dave Hintz

Marriage & Care Pastor

Dave Hintz

He is a coach. Using the same techniques as an athlete, Dave encourages people through difficult circumstances and to greater strength in their marriages.

Emilee Linger

Worship Pastor

Emilee Linger

Emilee Linger is a third-generation vocalist and pastor. Worship isn’t just what she does, her heart beats with the sound of her Creator – a song that He has placed in each one of us.

Jason Hardison

Youth Pastor

Jason Hardison

Having grown up at Tiffany Fellowship Church, Jason considers it a dream come true to now be a part of the church’s ministry team. The church has played a foundational role in his life, and he is honored to contribute to the spiritual growth of others in the same community that helped shaped his faith.

Jenn Orlando

Office Manager

Jenn Orlando

She is fierce. Jenn sees a task and conquers it. But that’s only a part of what made her a great addition to our team in 2023. She has a heart for ministry.

Matt Knowles

Executive Pastor & Children's Pastor

Matt Knowles

For Matt Knowles, everything is about helping kids connect with Jesus in a real and tangible way, so their faith is based on their own experience with God.

Rosemarie Clair

Women's Ministry Leader

Rosemarie Clair

Rosemarie Clair is bold in pursuit of God and refuses to waste her time on this Earth. If we listed everything she does for us, we’d run out of internet.