April 11, 2021 – Pastor Barry Clair begins a new series, “CHRIST IS RISEN… Now What?” with the message “Jesus EMPLOYS His Church”
On the Christian calendar, there is not a busier time than Easter. The only date that is as busy is Christmas. Our staff worked so hard this Easter season; everyone put in time and effort above and beyond the call of duty, and I am very, very grateful to our staff for what they did.
We created and constructed two totally different services in a matter of days. There was the Good Friday service and then the Resurrection Sunday service. Both of these had unique logistic challenges; set design, lighting, sound, music, personnel, writing and presenting challenges.
Late on Sunday afternoon, when all is said and done, I finally arrived at home, I collapsed on the couch and I said out loud, “Christ is Risen, and I need a break…”