September 1, 2019 – Pastor Barry Clair shares the message “The Inner Voice of God’s Spirit” in the series “Conversations on Prayer”
We are in the series called “Conversations on Prayer”. Over the last several weeks we’ve been having discussions on what prayer is, how do we participate in it,
how do we hear the voice of God. Last week I said, and I really, really believe this as a core conviction of mine, that it is the birthright and the privilege of every one of God’s people to hear His voice, and be personally guided by Him. So let me reiterate with no guilt, no shame, no embarrassment, no condemnation, if you are not, or have ever not heard the voice of God, you need to get that fixed! You really, really, really need to get that fixed! And sooner rather than later. Don’t think you have a whole lot of time. And let me tell you why. …It is because we are living in a day and age when it is imperative to know and hear the voice of God!