Love rooted in Christ is superior and perfect in design compared to what the world will ever offer or affirm for all to follow. Are our relationships displaying or distracting from the Gospel? When it comes to the subject of Love and relationships, Jesus is our Guiding Principle and Chief Instructor. Join us today as...
Sermon Category: <span>Discipleship</span>
THE PEACE OF GOD – The Pursuit
Desiring, seeking and pursuing God position us right to benefit from the continuous flow of His Peace. Peace is not so much the absence of as it is the presence of, and it is not so much a process as it is a product. Join us today as we learn to practice the disciplines that...
THE PEACE OF GOD – The Principles
We started this new year with Prayer emphasis and we would continue with the Peace of God. Prayer and Peace are both part of the greatest needs of the Church. The absence of one or both makes the Church lame and impotent. Join us today as we explore the principles of the Peace of God...
Change in general is often shunned or avoided at all cost even if it is for our good. The fear of the unknown or uncertainty about necessary change can set us back in life. Join us today we explore the necessity of change for every follower of Christ and how to embrace change to become...
WHERE DO YOU FIT? In God’s Story
We all can be found in the Story of God in the Bible but finding ourselves in the story can be a challenge in itself. In today’s scriptural passage John the Apostle gives us a summary of the Good News to mankind in the Story of God. Join us as we go through the summary...
WHERE DO YOU FIT? The Outsider
Every person “in-Christ” has a perfect fit and an important function in a faith community. Sometimes the way we see ourselves, how others perceive or treat us can make one feel under valued or don’t belong. In today’s scriptural passage Jesus’ action by calling Zacchaeus an outsider reveals His ultimate mission, to seek and save...
WHERE DO YOU FIT? Unity and Maturity
We cannot find our place of fruitfulness until we discover our fit and function, and we cannot find our purpose in the faith community until we reach unity and maturity. In today’s scriptural passage Apostle Paul emphasizes the priority of unity within the body of Christ and requirement of maturity in Christ. Join us as...
WHERE DO YOU FIT? One Body, Many Gifts
God has uniquely gifted His Children to fit and function effectively within the Church. The connection and coordination of these gifts helps the Church to be more effective and efficient in impacting our world for Christ. In today’s scriptural passage, Paul shares with us some of gifts given to us by God, it’s purpose and...
Every Disciple of Christ has a perfect spot they fit in function in a Faith community. When the Body of Christ is in alignment , the Church grows, spiritual momentum increases and God is glorified as the Kingdom bears more fruit. In today’s scriptural passage we examine ourselves if we are In Christ, rediscover what...
Our Society has conditioned us over the years to be impatient, making us intolerant when it comes to Waiting. Biblical Waiting compared to secular definition is much more active, infused with Hope and Expectation. In today’s scriptural passage God through the Prophet admonished His people in the time of despair to still Hope and hold...
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