As painfully true as Good Friday is, Resurrection Sunday is as Joyfully True , Christ is Risen! Join us we explore Three simple and true statements from today’s scripture passage that has the ability to change our lives with lasting effect in this life and after.
Sermon Category: <span>Discipleship</span>
CHARACTER OF COURAGE – Palm Sunday Boldness
Jesus Christ was fully God and fully Man while on earth but His humanity teaches us how to deal with the challenges of life. Join us today as we learn from Christ the Courage Lessons we need now to be effective Witnesses.
CHARACTER OF COURAGE – David Verses Goliath
It takes a tremendous amount of Courage to live out our Faith in our current culture climate. Courage is not an option but a necessity in carrying out the Great Commission as the second coming of the Lord nears. Join us as we learn how to confront and overcome our fears, small or great in...
CHARACTER OF COURAGE – Daniel and Friends
Courage is one of the important traits that Christians needs more in the world we live in today. We need Courage to live like Christ, share the Gospel with others and to stand firm in our Faith in God. Join us as we learn about the Principles of Courage and how to live up to...
WHIFF – More Than You Can Handle
The Scriptures are not beyond us to understand, it takes the Holy Spirit and a careful examination of the passage in it’s context. We cannot handle life’s challenges without God, for we all have our limits. Join us today as we learn to stay Alert to the temptations of Sin and not to offer Self-Reliance...
WHIFF – Grace Or Good Deeds?
The Bible is the foundation of our Faith so we cannot afford to Whiff. We are saved by Grace for Good Works. Good Deeds are not the cause of Salvation, they are the result of Salvation. In today’s scripture passages we learn the importance of Grace and Good Deeds in the life of a believer...
WHIFF – Believe And It’s Yours
Good Bible Stewardship is what we need to practice with discipline, to understand what God meant when He spoke and Why He spoke it. In today’s scripture passage Jesus shows us the possibilities of Faith filled Prayers within the context of His Will. Join us as we learn to be people of Faith and Prayer.
WHIFF – God Gives Us Our Desires
The more we practice Good Bible Stewardship Reverently and Studiously the less we will Whiff. In today’s scripture passage; God’s desires for us comes before ours, for His desire is always better than our best desires in life. Join us as we learn how our hearts can be transformed into His to produce the right...
WHIFF – Adultery In Your Heart
The scripture passage for today’s message in continuation of the sermon series “Whiff”, Jesus uses hyperbole to illustrate how much God hates sin. God does not want anyone perish that is why He has provided a way through Christ for our salvation. Join us as we learn how to rightly interpret the scripture passage and...
WHIFF – Do Not Judge
In a brand New Sermon Series we will be looking at certain Bible passages that is often Misunderstood, Misapplied, Mismanaged and Misused. In today’s message we are looking at one passage where Jesus warned us about Judging. He is not forbidding all Judgements but certain kinds of Judgement.
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